Memory phrase for the character: 凑



to gather together, pool or collect, happen by chance




Left: ice 冫, right: play music 奏 (Three 三 persons 人 perform 'heaven-like' 天 music.)


On the ice, they play music and people gather together.


iceThis radical is similar to “water 氵”. However, it has one stroke less. In this sense: Water that no longer flows is ice.
three persons
skyDon't mistake with "early death" 夭, even though there is some overlapping in the explanations.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


拼凑 pīn còu  to assemble; to put together
紧凑 jǐn còu  compact; terse; tight (schedule)
凑合 còu he  to bring together; to make do in a bad situation; to just get by; to improvise; passable; not too bad
凑合 còu he  

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