Memory phrase for the character: 内



inside, inner, interior




Outside: enclosure 冂, inside: person 人


The enclosure keeps the person inside.


inside, innerpartical frame 冂 with a person 人 inside.
comprise, down box
personA standing person with spread legs.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


内在 nèi zài  intrinsic; innate
内在 nèi zài  
内阁 nèi gé  (government) cabinet
内地 nèi dì  inland; interior
内心 nèi xīn  heart; innermost being
赤道几内亚 Chì dào Jī nèi yà  Equatorial Guinea
内奸 nèi jiān  undiscovered traitor; enemy within one's own ranks
内涵 nèi hán  meaning; content; essential properties implied or reflected by a notion; intention; connotation; self-possessed
衙内 yá nèi  child of an official; palace bodyguard
以内 yǐ nèi  within; less than
室内 shì nèi  indoor
室内 shì nèi  

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