Memory phrase for the character: 亲



parent, relative/intimate, close, kiss


qīn, qìng


Top: to stand 立, bottom: tree 木 (simplified from: 親, which comprised 'to see' 見)


They stand in a tree and look after the close ones: The parents


parentsTraditionally, this character was: 親, thus: "Who is standing 立 in a tree 木 and is watching 見 out (for the kids)? - The parents!" - Now, the parents only stand in the tree.
standA person with wide hips 六 stands upright on the ground 一.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


亲自 qīn zì  personally
亲王 qīn wáng  prince
亲切 qīn qiè  amiable; friendliness; gracious; hospitality; intimate; cordial; kind; close and dear; familiar
母亲 mǔ qīn  mother; also pr. with light tone
父亲 fù qīn  father; also pr. with light tone
亲戚 qīn qi  a relative (i.e. family relation)
亲眼目睹 qīn yǎn mù dǔ  to see for oneself; to see with one's own eyes
亲眷 qīn juàn  relatives
嫡亲 dí qīn  closely related by blood
嫡亲 dí qīn  

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