Memory phrase for the character: 骇



to terrify, startle, astonish, to shock




Left: horse 马/馬, right: (zodiac) pig 亥 (head 亠, fat body ノノ small tail 丶)


A horse (fat) as a pig! That's terrifying!


horseSimplified from 馬, which is the image of a running horse with the mane in the wind, four legs 灬 and a tail.
pigAlternatively, 豕 also stands for the pig.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


惊涛骇浪 jīng tāo hài làng  perilous situation
骇人听闻 hài rén tīng wén  shocking; horrifying; atrocious; terrible
惊骇 jīng hài  fright
惊骇 jīng hài  

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