Memory phrase for the Kanji: 飞



to fly




simplified from 飛


Image of a crane/goose in the flight


flyImage of two cranes 飞 in flight, e.g. over reeds (or similar).
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


飞行 fēi xíng  (of planes etc) to fly; flying; flight; aviation
飞蛾扑火 fēi é pū huǒ  the moth flies into the flame; fatal attraction
飞蝗 fēi huáng  flying locusts
云霄飞车 yún xiāo fēi chē  roller coaster
飞沫四溅 fēi mò sì jiàn  to spray in all directions
飞溅 fēi jiàn  to splash
飞扬跋扈 fēi yáng bá hù  to rise to be domineering (idiom); bossy and domineering; throwing one's weight about
飞碟 fēi dié  flying saucer; frisbee
飞镖 fēi biāo  darts (game); dart (weapon shaped like a spearhead)
飞翔 fēi xiáng  to fly
飞逝 fēi shì  fleeting; passing quickly
飞逝 fēi shì  

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