Memory phrase for the character: 预



beforehand, in advance, predict, forecast



Left: to give 予 (The bent person マ has a nail 丁 to give.), right: page, leaf (页/頁= head 目 with shoulders 八 and eyebrows 一)


"To give your head" to a subject means planning like 'in advance' or 'beforehand'.


to give, bestow
head, leaderPicture of an eye 目 with emphasized eye-brows 首 to express the special: the head or the chief. (When used as a radical often without eye-brows 頁 meaning forehead). It is always at the right side of a character.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


预先 yù xiān  beforehand; in advance
预备 yù bèi  to prepare; to make ready; preparation; preparatory
预算 yù suàn  budget
预防 yù fáng  to prevent; to take precautions against; to protect; to guard against; precautionary; prophylactic
预定 yù dìng  schedule in advance
预兆 yù zhào  omen; prognosis (in medicine)
预兆 yù zhào  

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