Memory phrase for the character: 隧



tunnel, underground passage




Left: hill 阝, right: satisfy 遂 (out of 丷, pig 豕/豚, movement 辶)


By the hill (= the excavation 丷 next to it) you see where the pig's movements made: a tunnel.


hillThis radical shows a hill. This radical 阝 is always on the left of the hanzi. (Please note that this relatively similar radical ⻏ stands for “village” and is in the character always on the right.)
movementIn some cases this radical 廴 is used, but the mnemonics are the same.
pigThe zodiac boar is 亥
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


隧道 suì dào  tunnel
隧道尽头的光亮 suì dào jìn tóu de guāng liàng  the light at the end of the tunnel
腕隧道症候群 wàn suì dào zhèng hòu qún  carpal tunnel syndrome (pain in the hands due to pressure on the median nerve); median neuropathy at the wrist
腕隧道症候群 wàn suì dào zhèng hòu qún  

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