Memory phrase for the character: 陵



mound, tomb, hill, mountain




Left: hill 阝, right: dawdle 夌 (Who walks over the earth 土 with legs 儿 that are crossed 夂, is dawdling)


The hill where the earth comprises two legs 儿 that are crossed: is an imperial tomb.


hillThis radical shows a hill. This radical 阝 is always on the left of the hanzi. (Please note that this relatively similar radical ⻏ stands for “village” and is in the character always on the right.)
upturned footupturned foot or sitting crossed-legged - Do not mistake with the: "hand with a stick": /攴
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


陵墓 líng mù  tomb; mausoleum
丘陵 qiū líng  hills
丘陵 qiū líng  
陵寝 líng qǐn  tomb (of king or emperor)
谒陵之旅 yè líng zhī lǚ  visit to ancestral tomb
谒陵 yè líng  to pay homage at mausoleum; to visit ancestral tomb
东陵 Dōng líng  Eastern tombs; Dongling district of Shenyang city 沈阳市, Liaoning
东陵 Dōng líng  

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