Memory phrase for the character: 陌


Meaning raised path, street



Left: hill 阝, right: hundred 百 (tilt your head to the right and read '100')


(A street is actually just piled earth cf.街) Hills in hundreds form a street.


hillThis radical shows a hill. This radical 阝 is always on the left of the hanzi. (Please note that this relatively similar radical ⻏ stands for “village” and is in the character always on the right.)
hundredTilt your head to the right and read a "1" with two zeros 日 = 100
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


陌生 mò shēng  strange; unfamiliar
陌生人 mò shēng rén  a stranger
绮陌 qǐ mò  splendid streets
绮陌 qǐ mò  

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