Memory phrase for the character: 阑



railing, balustrade, door-screen, exhausted, late




Outside: gate 门/ 門, inside: card, letter 柬 (The bundle 束 with two wrapped items 丷 as a: notice or letter.), but here: tree 木 with central handles 日


At the gate is made of wood with handles: a railing.


gateSimplified from 門, which shows a gate with two wings.
notice, letter
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


阑珊 lán shān  coming to an end; waning
雕阑 diāo lán  carved railings
阑风 lán fēng  continuous blowing of the wind
阑头 lán tóu  lintel; architrave
阑头 lán tóu  

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