Memory phrase for the character: 阅



to inspect/review (troops), to peruse, to read




Outside: gate 门/ 門, inside: money transfer 兑 (Going out 丷 from my elder brother 兄 money transactions take place.) [brother 兄 = big mouth 口 on legs 儿]


At the gate you need to pay and are inspected. OR: At the gate 门 my older brother 兄 has to raise his arms 丷 and is inspected.


gateSimplified from 門, which shows a gate with two wings.
money transfer, to cash
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


阅读 yuè dú  to read; reading
参阅 cān yuè  to consult; to refer to; to read (instructions)
检阅 jiǎn yuè  to inspect; to review (troops etc); military review
检阅 jiǎn yuè  

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