Memory phrase for the character: 闽



abbr. for Fujian 福建 province in the Min dynasty




Outside: gate 门/門, inside: insect 虫


An insect at the gate stands for the Fujian-province.


gateSimplified from 門, which shows a gate with two wings.
insectThe body 口 and the sting ム of an insect. Also this radical 昆 is understood as insect.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


闽粤 Mǐn Yuè  Fujian and Guangzhou
闽江 Mǐn jiāng  Minjiang River (Fujian)
闽江 Mǐn jiāng  
闽语 Mǐn yǔ  Min dialects, spoken in Fujian Province, Taiwan etc
闽语 Mǐn yǔ  

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