Memory phrase for the character: 闻



to hear, well-known, famous, to smell or sniff




Outside: gate 门/ 門, inside: ear 耳


You put your ear to the gate to hear and smell.


gateSimplified from 門, which shows a gate with two wings.
earShows the picture of an ear (auricle / pinna)
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


新闻 xīn wén  news
玫瑰不管叫啥名,闻起来总是香的 méi guī bù guǎn jiào shá míng , wén qǐ lai zǒng shì xiāng de  A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
骇人听闻 hài rén tīng wén  shocking; horrifying; atrocious; terrible
诽闻 fěi wén  scandal, gossip
遐迩闻名 xiá ěr wén míng  famous everywhere
绯闻 fēi wén  sex scandal
绯闻 fēi wén  

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