Memory phrase for the character: 间



between, among, to separate


jiān, jiàn


Outside: gate 门/門, inside: sun 日


The gate 門 has two wings (with a gap) and the sun shines between.


between, among
gateSimplified from 門, which shows a gate with two wings.
sun, dayThis radical was developed from a circle with a central dot as the image of the sun. As you can hardly draw circles or dots with a brush, it became the current rectangular shape.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


中间 zhōng jiān  between; intermediate; mid; middle
房间 fáng jiān  room
间隔 jiàn gé  compartment; gap; interval; to divide
夜间 yè jiān  nighttime; evening or night (e.g. classes)
区间 qū jiān  interval (math.)
间歇 jiàn xiē  to stop in the middle of sth; intermittent; intermittence
瞬间 shùn jiān  moment; momentary; in a flash
间谍 jiàn dié  spy
间谍软件 jiàn dié ruǎn jiàn  spyware
田间 tián jiān  field; farm; farming area; village
间接 jiàn jiē  indirect
间接 jiàn jiē  

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