部门 |
bù mén |
department; branch; section; division |
窍门 |
qiào mén |
a trick; an ingenious method; know-how; the knack (of doing sth) |
遁入空门 |
dùn rù kōng mén |
to take refuge in religious life |
闸门 |
zhá mén |
a sluicegate |
门槛 |
mén kǎn |
doorstep; sill; threshold; fig. knack or trick (esp. scheme to get sth cheaper) |
肛门 |
gāng mén |
anus |
肛门直肠 |
gāng mén zhí cháng |
rectum (anatomy) |
开门揖盗 |
kāi mén yī dào |
leaving the door open invites the thief (idiom); to invite disaster by giving evildoers a free hand |
荜门圭窦 |
bì mén guī dòu |
wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig. wretched hovel; living in poverty |
门墩 |
mén dūn |
wooden or stone block supporting the axle of a door |
撬门 |
qiào mén |
to break in; to force a door |
撬门 |
qiào mén |