Memory phrase for the Kanji: 钱



coin, money, unit of weight (approx. 5 gram)




Left: metal/gold 钅(=金 = Covered in the ground 土 are 2 gold nuggets 丷), right: 2 halberds 戈


The metal of two halberds is enough for a coin of the weight 1 qián = 5g


gold, metalThis radical is always on the left side of a character.
two halberds
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


金钱 jīn qián  money; currency
有钱 yǒu qián  well off; wealthy
赚钱 zhuàn qián  to earn money; money making
钱其琛 qián qí chēn  Qian Qichen (Chinese vice-premier)
钱其琛 qián qí chēn  

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