Memory phrase for the character: 量



to measure, amount, to estimate, classifier (in Chinese grammar)


liáng, liàng


Top: sunrise 旦 (sun 日 over the horizon 一), below: village 里 (Fields 田 and earth 土 belong to a village)


At the sunrise the village is measured.


sun riseThe sun 日 is just above the horizon 一 at sunrise.
village, mile
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


大量 dà liàng  great amount; large quantity; bulk; numerous; generous; magnanimous
容量 róng liàng  capacity; volume; quantitative (science)
流量 liú liàng  flow rate; rate; throughput; site traffic (Internet)
商量 shāng liang  to consult; to talk over; to discuss
适量 shì liàng  appropriate amount
衡量 héng liang  weight; measure
剂量 jì liàng  dosage; prescribed dose of medicine
重量吨 zhòng liàng dūn  dead weight ton
蕴藏量 yùn cáng liàng  reserves; amount still in store
矢量 shǐ liàng  vector (spatial)
颅测量 lú cè liáng  Craniometry
颅测量 lú cè liáng  

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