Memory phrase for the Kanji: 辟



monarch, to repel, avoid, dispel, refute, repudiate


bì, pì


Shows: anal penetration, torture 辟 (buttock from the side 尸, anus 口, needle 辛 as symbol for penetration or torture)


Penetrating the buttocks with a needle is what the monarch avoids.


bitter, hot(picture of a needle for tattoo)
torture, anal penetrationShows buttocks in sideview 尸, an anus opening 口 and a needle 辛 for penetration or torture.
buttocks in side viewThis radical has the meaning: corpse 尸. But because of its use in tail 尾 or urine 尿 or flatulence 屁, it is generally considered to mean 'buttocks'.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


开辟 kāi pì  to open up; to set up; to establish
独辟蹊径 dú pì xī jìng  to blaze a new trail (idiom); to display originality
独辟蹊径 dú pì xī jìng  

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