Memory phrase for the character: 身



body, oneself, life, personally




Side view of a body with one leg protruding to the left and a beer belly


Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


身上 shēn shang  on the body; at hand; among
身躯 shēn qū  body
身披羽毛 shēn pī yǔ máo  feathered
浑身 hún shēn  all over; from head to foot
挺身 tǐng shēn  to straighten one's back
一身 yī shēn  whole body; from head to toe; single person; a suit of clothes
翻身 fān shēn  turn over; free oneself; stand up
动身 dòng shēn  go on a journey; leave
转身 zhuǎn shēn  to turn round (of a person); to face about; to remarry (of widows) (archaic)
身子 shēn zi  body; pregnancy
人身 rén shēn  person; personal; human body
人身 rén shēn  

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