Memory phrase for the character: 贵



precious, expensive, noble, your (name)




Top: simplification of blooming flower 堇 with two blossoms ロ at a stem丨 growing from the ground 一, bottom: currency/shell 贝/貝 (= cone-shell 目 with two feelers 八 = shell money)


Blooming flowers and money are precious.


precious, expensive
blooming plant
shell, money
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


贵族 guì zú  lord; nobility; nobleman; noblewoman; aristocrat; aristocracy
贵宾犬 guì bīn quǎn  poodle
贵贱 guì jiàn  noble and lowly; high versus low social hierarchy of ruler to people, father to son, husband to wife in Confucianism
贵妃醉酒 Guì fēi Zuì jiǔ  The Drunken Beauty, Qing Dynasty Beijing Opera
贵妃 guì fēi  senior concubine; imperial consort
昂贵 áng guì  expensive; costly
珍贵 zhēn guì  precious
宝贵 bǎo guì  valuable; precious; to value; to treasure; to set store by
贵州 Guì zhōu  Guizhou province (Kweichow) in south central China, abbr. to 黔 or 贵, capital Guiyang 贵阳
矜贵 jīn guì  high-born; noble; aristocratic; conceited
矜贵 jīn guì  

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