Memory phrase for the character: 贴



to stick, to paste, sticker




Left: shell/money 贝/貝, right: fortune telling 占 (crack 卜 in the shell 口 of a turtle from which the fortune was told.)


Money from fortune telling has sth. sticky.


shell, money
divineIt is shown a crack 卜 in the shell 口 of a turtle from which the fortune was told. This radical uses the radical 卜.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


补贴 bǔ tiē  to subsidize; subsidy; allowance
津贴 jīn tiē  allowance
张贴 zhāng tiē  to post (a notice); to advertise
粘贴 zhān tiē  to stick; to affix; to adhere; to paste (as in cut, copy and paste)
粘贴 zhān tiē  

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