Memory phrase for the character: 谬



to confuse, cheat, absurd, erroneous, to deceive




Left: word 讠/言, right: sound of the wind 翏 (At feather 羽 or the beard 㐱 you feel the wind. [㐱 = person 人 with beard 彡])


His words were like the rustle of the wind: confuse.


wordTraditionally written as 言, which shows sound waves out of a mouth.
sound of the wind
Person with pointssimilar to: measles 疹 - Strokes are, because it was hard to draw points using a brush.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


谬论 miù lùn  misconception; fallacy
荒谬 huāng miù  absurd; ridiculous
讹谬 é miù  error; mistake
讹谬 é miù  

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