Memory phrase for the character: 谍



to spy




Left: word 讠/言, right: 枼 (generation 世, here: sb. who hides behind the leaves [traditional: 葉, simplified:叶], tree 木)


He listens to the words while he is hidden behind the leaves 世 of a tree: The spy.


wordTraditionally written as 言, which shows sound waves out of a mouth.
era, epoch
epoch, generation, age
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


间谍 jiàn dié  spy
间谍软件 jiàn dié ruǎn jiàn  spyware
间谍罪 jiàn dié zuì  crime of spying
间谍罪 jiàn dié zuì  

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