Memory phrase for the character: 自



self, oneself, since, from



Eye 目 with an emphasis ノ


The accented (= emphasized) eye shows the own self.


selfThe Radical shows an eye 目 and has an emphasis ノ to express that the own person is meant.
dotIn many languages (such as French), short strokes are used above the letters to express an emphasis. This stroke 丶 is used in the mnemonics accordingly.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


衍生物 yǎn shēng wù  
自恃 zì shì  self esteem; self reliance; over confident; conceited
自驾租赁 zì jià zū lìn  self-drive hire (of a car etc)
自忖 zì cǔn  to speculate; to ponder
自惭形秽 zì cán xíng huì  to feel ashamed of one's inferiority (idiom); to feel inferior
自惭形秽 zì cán xíng huì  
自惭形秽 zì cán xíng huì  
怡然自得 yí rán zì dé  happy and content (idiom)
擅自 shàn zì  without permission; of one's own initiative
自取其咎 zì qǔ qí jiù  to have only oneself to blame (idiom); to bring trouble through one's own actions
自溺 zì nì  to drown oneself
自溺 zì nì  

At the page you get the memory phrases for learning the Chinese Hanzi. If you are learning the Japanese kanji, please follow this link.

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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