Memory phrase for the Kanji: 臀



butt, buttocks




Top: palace hall 殿 (Buttocks 尸 together 共 with the weapons in their hands 殳 are in the palace), bottom: body part 月/肉


The 'palace' among the body parts is the: buttocks.


buttocks in side viewThis radical has the meaning: corpse 尸. But because of its use in tail 尾 or urine 尿 or flatulence 屁, it is generally considered to mean 'buttocks'.
together; common
weaponbattle axe in a hand 又
body partThis radical is on the left in compound words and is simplified as "月", which then looks like “moon, month 月”, but still has the meaning “body part”.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


臀鳍 tún qí  anal fin
蜥臀目 xī tún mù  Saurischia or lizard-hipped dinosaurs, order within super-order Dinosauria
臀部 tún bù  butt; buttocks
臀部 tún bù  

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