Memory phrase for the character: 腑



internal organs



Left: body('s parts) 月/肉, right: seat of government 府 (The building 广 in which it is handed over 付 [from a person 亻to a skillful hand 寸], is the seat of the government)


The body parts doing the 'government' are the internal organs.


body partThis radical is on the left in compound words and is simplified as "月", which then looks like “moon, month 月”, but still has the meaning “body part”.
seat of government
to hand over, deliver
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


肺腑 fèi fǔ  bottom of the heart (figuratively)
脏腑 zàng fǔ  inner organs
肺腑之言 fèi fǔ zhī yán  words from the bottom of one's heart
肺腑之言 fèi fǔ zhī yán  

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