Memory phrase for the character: 脑



brain, mind, head, essence




Left: bodypart 月/肉, right: "trash can" 㐫 (cover 亠 and fierce 凶 = container 凵 with dreadful 㐅 inside)


The body part 㐅 that is in a covered container is: the brain.


body partThis radical is on the left in compound words and is simplified as "月", which then looks like “moon, month 月”, but still has the meaning “body part”.
trash canAt the top a cover 亠 and below "fearful 㐫" which is free interpreted as "trash can".
fierce, fearfulWe have marked this container 凵 with a cross 㐅 because it brings bad luck.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


头脑 tóu nǎo  brains; mind
脑性麻痹 nǎo xìng má bì  cerebral palsy; spasticity; erebral palsy
头昏脑眩 tóu hūn nǎo xuàn  dizzying; it makes one's head spin
首脑会晤 shǒu nǎo huì wù  leadership meeting
脑溢血 nǎo yì xuè  cerebral hemorrhage; stroke
头晕脑胀 tóu yūn nǎo zhàng  dizzy and light-headed
脑壳 nǎo ké  skull
脑袋 nǎo dài  head; skull; brains; mental capability
大脑 dà nǎo  brain; cerebrum
首脑 shǒu nǎo  head (of state); summit (meeting); leader
脑瓢儿 nǎo piáor  top of the head; crown
脑瓢儿 nǎo piáor  

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