Memory phrase for the character: 纯



pure, simple, unmixed, genuine




Left: thread 纟/糸, right: barracks 屯 (On fertile ground, where growing shoots 屮 pierced the ground 一 they built a barracks.)


Threads made of plants and sprouts are pure and unmixed.


threadIt has in its upper part the radical "short thread" 幺.
barracksbarracks, to station (soldiers), village
lighting rodThe use of this component is not consistent. From the character for electricity 电 comes the meaning "lightning rod". Also other explanations are used such as "hook" or "kneeling person".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


单纯 dān chún  simple; pure; alone; merely
纯粹 chún cuì  purely
纯净 chún jìng  pure; clean; unmixed
纯净 chún jìng  
纯净 chún jìng  

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