Memory phrase for the character: 类



category, type, kind, class, similar




Top: rice 米, bottom: big 大 (A person 人 with widely spread arms 一 appears: big.)


(For culturing or breeding:) For big rice they made categories and types.


riceThis radical 米 means the rice grain. The rice plant has this radical: 禾
big, huge
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


人类 rén lèi  humanity; human race; mankind
藻类 zǎo lèi  algae
类人猿 lèi rén yuán  hominid
灵猫类 líng māo lèi  a civet (arboreal cat); viverrid (mammal group including mongoose and civet)
鸟类 niǎo lèi  birds
同类 tóng lèi  similar; same type; alike
分类 fēn lèi  classification
类似 lèi sì  similar; analogous
类型 lèi xíng  type; category; genre; form; style
鱼类 yú lèi  fishes
种类 zhǒng lèi  kind; genus; type; category; variety; species; sort; class
种类 zhǒng lèi  

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