Memory phrase for the character: 管



tube, pipe, conduit, control, to care about




Top: bamboo 竹, below: government 官 (Under one roof 宀 with connected ノ rooms 吕) (Here: see 官 as two tubes in cross-section in a covered conduit)


Made of bamboo, the tubes are in the conduit.


Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


管道 guǎn dào  pipeline
企业管理 qǐ yè guǎn lǐ  business management (as a study)
钢管 gāng guǎn  steel pipe
导管 dǎo guǎn  duct; conduit; vessel; catheter
输尿管 shū niào guǎn  ureter
玫瑰不管叫啥名,闻起来总是香的 méi guī bù guǎn jiào shá míng , wén qǐ lai zǒng shì xiāng de  A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
玫瑰不管叫啥名 méi guī bù guǎn jiào shá míng  A rose by any other name (would smell as sweet)
虹吸管 hóng xī guǎn  siphon
管窥所及 guǎn kuī suǒ jí  in my humble opinion
科学管理 kē xué guǎn lǐ  scientific management
血管 xuè guǎn  vein; artery
血管 xuè guǎn  

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