Memory phrase for the character: 策



plan, strategy, policy, scheme, to whip or urge



Top: bamboo 竹, bottom: thorn 朿 (originally: tree 木 and pointed triangle; cf. thorn 刺)


A bamboo thorn is part of the policy plan.


Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


政策 zhèng cè  policy
决策 jué cè  strategic decision; decision-making; policy decision; to determine policy
策略 cè lüè  tactics; to be tactful
鞭策 biān cè  to spur on; to urge on; to encourage sb (e.g. to make progress)
核威慑政策 hé wēi shè zhèng cè  policy of nuclear intimidation
核威慑政策 hé wēi shè zhèng cè  

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