Memory phrase for the Kanji: 端



end, extremity, item, port, margin




Left: to stand 立, right: concentrated 耑 (like a mountain 山 of beards 而)


(e.g. a hunter) He stand on the mountain with a beard at the edge.


standA person with wide hips 六 stands upright on the ground 一.
concentratedspecialized, monopolize, take sole possession
andImage of a closed mouth 一 with a beard 皿.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


争端 zhēng duān  dispute; controversy; conflict
极端 jí duān  extreme
顶端 dǐng duān  summit; peak
弊端 bì duān  malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice
端倪 duān ní  boundary land; clue; inkling; to predict
端倪 duān ní  

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