Memory phrase for the character: 竖



vertical, to erect, vertical stroke




Top: knife刂, hand 又 (Here: 又 as a variant of fork 叉 [= hand holding fork 丶]), bottom: stand 立


(When setting/laying a table, please align neatly.) When the knife and fork are standing, it should be vertically aligned (or erected).


standA person with wide hips 六 stands upright on the ground 一.
verticalShows a hand 又 vertically above ground/earth 土. It has also the meaning "holy" from a hand over an object when blessing it.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


横躺竖卧 héng tǎng shù wò  to lie down all over the place; exhausted and in disarray
竖立 shù lì  to erect; to set upright; to stand
竖起 shù qi  to hold up (high); to raise up
横竖 héng shu  anyway
阉竖 yān shù  eunuch (contemptuous appellation)
阉竖 yān shù  

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