对立 |
duì lì |
to oppose; to set sth against; to be antagonistic to; antithetical; relative opposite; opposing; diametrical |
订立 |
dìng lì |
to conclude (treaty, contract, agreement etc) |
挺立 |
tǐng lì |
to stand erect; to stand upright |
耸立 |
sǒng lì |
towering (of object placed high over sth) |
鼎立 |
dǐng lì |
lit. to stand like the three legs of a tripod; tripartite confrontation or balance of forces |
竖立 |
shù lì |
to erect; to set upright; to stand |
立陶宛人 |
Lì táo wǎn rén |
Lithuanian (person) |
立陶宛 |
Lì táo wǎn |
Lithuania; the Lithuanian republic, former Baltic Soviet republic |
鹤立鸡群 |
hè lì jī qún |
a crane in a flock of chicken (idiom); way above the common; manifestly superior |
矗立 |
chù lì |
to tower; standing tall and upright (of large building) |
崛立 |
jué lì |
to tower over; rising (to a dominant position) |
崛立 |
jué lì |