Memory phrase for the character: 窿




cavity, hole




Top: hole, cavity 穴, below: intense, prosperous 隆 (Sitting on a hill 阝 with upturned 夂 feet, the one 一 life 生 looks intense & prosperous)


A hole, that is intense, is a: cavity.


caveIt is covered 宀 and a narrowing path 八 leads into this hole or cave.
hillThis radical shows a hill. This radical 阝 is always on the left of the hanzi. (Please note that this relatively similar radical ⻏ stands for “village” and is in the character always on the right.)
upturned footupturned foot or sitting crossed-legged - Do not mistake with the: "hand with a stick": /攴
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


窟窿 kū long  hole; pocket; cavity; loophole; debt
穹窿 qióng lóng  a dome; a vault; the sky
穹窿 qióng lóng  

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