Memory phrase for the Kanji: 磕


Meaning knock against sth hard, knock off (mud/dirt)



Left: stone 石, right: 盍 (leave, go away 去 [Below ground 土 is the nose 厶, which has left], bowl 皿)


Stones "leave" you and (fall) into the bowl, when you knock them off.


stoneShows a variation of cliff 厂 with a stone 囗 below.
to go away, to cause to go
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


磕头 kē tóu  to kowtow (traditional greeting, esp. to a superior, involving kneeling and pressing one's forehead to the ground)
磕磕绊绊 kē ke bàn bàn  bumpy (of a road); limping (of a person)
磕磕绊绊 kē ke bàn bàn  bumpy (of a road); limping (of a person)
磕磕巴巴 kē kē bā bā  stammering; stuttering; not speaking fluently
磕磕巴巴 kē kē bā bā  stammering; stuttering; not speaking fluently
磕磕巴巴 kē kē bā bā  

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