Memory phrase for the character: 石



stone, rock, stone inscription, (100 liters)


dàn, shí


Top: var. of cliff 厂, bottom: stone 口


Below the cliff are the stones.


stoneShows a variation of cliff 厂 with a stone 囗 below.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


石头 shí tou  stone, rocks
钒钾铀矿石 fán jiǎ yóu kuàng shí  carnotite
绊脚石 bàn jiǎo shí  stumbling block; obstacle
石蕊 shí ruǐ  reindeer moss; litmus (chemistry)
陨石 yǔn shí  stony meteorite
萤石 yíng shí  fluorite CaF2; fluorspar; fluor
石弩 shí nǔ  catapult; ballista (siege catapult firing stone blocks)
橄榄石 gǎn lǎn shí  olivine (rock-forming mineral magnesium-iron silicate (Mg,Fe)2SiO4); peridot
橄榄石 gǎn lǎn shí  
砾石 lì shí  gravel; pebbles
石刁柏 shí diāo bǎi  asparagus
石刁柏 shí diāo bǎi  

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