Memory phrase for the character: 皮



skin, fur, leather



A hand 又 with a knife 丨 peels off: the skin 厂.


skinFor 'leather' the radicals 革 and 韦 are used.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


皮带 pí dài  strap; leather belt
蜕皮 tuì pí  skin cast off during molting; exuvium; to pupate; to molt; to slough; to cast off an old skin or shell
羔皮 gāo pí  lambskin; kid leather
鸡皮疙瘩 jī pí gē da  goose pimples; goose bumps
洛皮塔瀑布 Luò pí tǎ pù bù  Lawpita Falls on the Balu Chaung river, location of Myanmar's biggest hydroelectric plant
鹿皮靴 lù pí xuē  moccasins
俏皮 qiào pí  pretty and lively; smart and witty
头皮屑 tóu pí xiè  dandruff
嘻皮 xī pí  hippie
桂皮 guì pí  Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamonum cassia); cassia bark
皮鞋 pí xié  leather shoes
皮鞋 pí xié  

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