Memory phrase for the character: 狐






Left: wild animal 犭 (dog on the hind legs), right: melon, pumpkin 瓜 (image of a melon in a rope loop hanging from a frame)


This wild animal has (the color) of a pumpkin: the fox.


wild animalShows in particular a wild dog on its hind legs.
melon, pumpkinPicture of a melon hanging from a frame.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


狐狸 hú li  fox; fig. sly and treacherous person
银狐 yín hú  silver or black fox (Vulpes alopex argentatus)
野狐禅 yě hú chán  heresy
老狐狸 lǎo hú li  old fox; fig. cunning person
老狐狸 lǎo hú li  

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