Memory phrase for the character: 洞



cave, hole, cavity, cavern, empty




Left: water 氵, right: same 同 (Here: see 同 as view into a mining tunnel ロ with beams 一 supporting the walls and ceiling)


A wet mining tunnel is a cave.


waterSimplified from this water 水
same, like
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


张之洞 Zhāng Zhī dòng  Zhang Zhidong (1837-1909), prominent politician in late Qing
空洞 kōng dòng  cavity; empty; vacuous
空洞 kōng dòng  
漏洞 lòu dòng  leak; hole; gap; loophole
窑洞 yáo dòng  yaodong (dugout used as shelter)
钥匙洞孔 yào shi dòng kǒng  keyhole
钥匙洞孔 yào shi dòng kǒng  

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