Memory phrase for the character: 沓



many, again and again, pile (i.e. of papers)



Top: water 水, bottom: day, sun 日


(Flowing) water and the days come again and again.


sun, dayThis radical was developed from a circle with a central dot as the image of the sun. As you can hardly draw circles or dots with a brush, it became the current rectangular shape.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


杂沓 zá tà  small craftsman (contemptuous); clatter (e.g. of footsteps); jumbled mass; press of bodies; tumult
重沓 chóng tà  redundant; to pile up
纷至沓来 fēn zhì tà lái  to come thick and fast (idiom)
纷至沓来 fēn zhì tà lái  

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