Memory phrase for the character: 毅



perseverance, endurance, resolute staunch



Left: 豙 (to stand 立 and pig 豕), right: 殳 (battle axe in a hand 又)


He stands like a pig with a battle axe in the hand and has perseverance.


standA person with wide hips 六 stands upright on the ground 一.
pigThe zodiac boar is 亥
weaponbattle axe in a hand 又
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


陈毅 Chén yì  Chen Yi (1901-1972), communist general and politician, Marshal of PLA from 1955, Mayor of Shanghai in 1950s, PRC foreign minister 1958-1972
毅然 yì rán  firmly; resolutely; without hesitation
毅力 yì lì  perseverance; willpower
毅力 yì lì  

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