Memory phrase for the character: 歉



deficient, to regret, apologize




Left: combined, twice 兼 (A hand /ヨ holds two rice plants 禾 combined.), right: lack 欠 (A yawning person 人 is lacking sth.)


Having a double lack, means deficiency and regrets.


double, twiceA hand holds two rice plants 禾.
lack, yawnLike a person 人 who tears his mouth wide open when yawning and seems to have a lack (of good manners).
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


道歉 dào qiàn  to apologize
抱歉 bào qiàn  to be sorry; to feel apologetic; sorry!
致歉 zhì qiàn  to apologize; to express regret
致歉 zhì qiàn  

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