Memory phrase for the character: 林



forest, woods




Two trees stand for a forest


Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


林业 lín yè  forest industry; forestry
穆斯林 mù sī lín  Muslim
穆斯林 mù sī lín  
穆斯林 mù sī lín  
桂林 Guì lín  Guilin prefecture level city in Guangxi; Zhuang: Gveilinz
谭震林 Tán Zhèn lín  Tan Zhenlin (1902-1983), PRC revolutionary and military leader, played political role after the cultural revolution
林彪 Lín Biāo  Lin Biao (1908-1971), Chinese army leader at time of the Cultural Revolution
林彪 Lín Biāo  
柏林 Bó lín  Berlin, capital of Germany
竹林 zhú lín  bamboo forest
斯大林 Sī dà lín  Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet dictator
斯大林 Sī dà lín  

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