Memory phrase for the character: 揍



to beat up, to break to pieces




Left: hand 扌, right: make music 奏 (Three 三 persons 人 perform 'heaven-like' 天 music.)


As if "the hand is making music", it is when you are beating up sb.


handSimplification of this hand 手
three persons
skyDon't mistake with "early death" 夭, even though there is some overlapping in the explanations.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


欠揍 qiàn zòu  to need a spanking
揍死 zòu sǐ  to beat to death
挨揍 ái zòu  to be beaten; to take a drubbing; buffeted; knocked about
挨揍 ái zòu  

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