Memory phrase for the character: 承



to bear, responsibility, to take charge




Outside: water 水, middle: child 子, two 二


Two children in the water. Then you bear a responsibility.


handImage of a hand with fingers sticking out
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


承认 chéng rèn  to admit; to concede; to recognize; recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc); to acknowledge
承受 chéng shòu  to bear; to support; to inherit
继承 jì chéng  to inherit; to carry on; to succeed
轴承 zhóu chéng  bearing (mechanical)
承担 chéng dān  to undertake; to assume (responsibility etc)
秉承 bǐng chéng  to take orders; to receive commands
阿谀奉承 ē yú fèng chéng  flattering and fawning (idiom); sweet-talking
阿谀奉承 ē yú fèng chéng  

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