Memory phrase for the Kanji: 扎



to tie, to bind, bundle, to prick, penetrating


zā, zhā, zhá


Left: hand 扌, right: hook 乚


In the hand is a hook for tying up or pricking.


handSimplification of this hand 手
lighting rodThe use of this component is not consistent. From the character for electricity 电 comes the meaning "lightning rod". Also other explanations are used such as "hook" or "kneeling person".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


扎伊尔 zhā yī ěr  Zaire
驻扎 zhù zhā  to station; to garrison (troops)
挣扎 zhēng zhá  to struggle
垂死挣扎 chuí sǐ zhēng zhá  deathbed struggle; final struggle (idiom)
摹扎特 Mó zā tè  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), Austrian composer
摹扎特 Mó zā tè  
摹扎特 Mó zā tè  

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