Memory phrase for the character: 情



passion, emotion, feeling, situation




Left: feeling 忄, right: young, blue 青 (Growing plants /丰 appear in the moonshine 月 blue and young.)


The feeling of the youth is passion.


growing plantShows a growing plant 丨 with three 三 branches. When a leaf ノ is added, it becomes life 生.
blue, young
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


事情 shì qíng  affair; matter; thing; business
煽情 shān qíng  to stir up emotion; to arouse sympathy; moving
抒情诗 shū qíng shī  lyric poetry; a lyric song; to serenade
抒情 shū qíng  to express emotion; lyric
酌情 zhuó qíng  to use discretion; to take circumstances into account; to make allowances pertinent to a situation
无情 wú qíng  pitiless; ruthless; merciless; heartless
表情 biǎo qíng  (facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression
爱情 ài qíng  romance; love (romantic)
情节 qíng jié  plot; circumstances
情感 qíng gǎn  feeling; emotion; to move (emotionally)
情绪 qíng xù  mood; state of mind; moodiness
情绪 qíng xù  

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