Memory phrase for the character: 性



personality, nature, character, sexuality, gender




Left: feeling 忄, right: life/birth 生 (The twig ノ at the growing plant stands for life.)


Feelings you have at your birth determine your personality.


growing plantShows a growing plant 丨 with three 三 branches. When a leaf ノ is added, it becomes life 生.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


个性 gè xìng  individuality; personality
属性 shǔ xìng  attribute; property
惯性 guàn xìng  inertia
性腺 xìng xiàn  gonad; sex gland
禀性 bǐng xìng  natural disposition
震撼性 zhèn hàn xìng  shocking
嗜碱性粒细胞 shì jiǎn xìng lì xì bāo  basophil granulocytes (rarest type of white blood cell)
红斑性狼疮 hóng bān xìng láng chuāng  lupus erythematosus
苛性钾 kē xìng jiǎ  caustic potash; potassium hydroxide KOH
苛性钠 kē xìng nà  caustic soda; sodium hydroxide NaOH
韧性 rèn xìng  toughness
韧性 rèn xìng  

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