Memory phrase for the character: 弱



weak, feeble, young, inferior




Twice a bow 弓 with ice 冫


Bows with ice on them are too weak.


iceThis radical is similar to “water 氵”. However, it has one stroke less. In this sense: Water that no longer flows is ice.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


强弱 qiáng ruò  strong or weak; intensity; amount of force or pressure
减弱 jiǎn ruò  to weaken; to fall off
削弱 xuē ruò  to weaken; to impair; to cripple
瘦弱 shòu ruò  thin and weak
脆弱 cuì ruò  weak; frail
懦弱 nuò ruò  cowardly; weak
懦弱 nuò ruò  

At the page you get the memory phrases for learning the Chinese Hanzi. If you are learning the Japanese kanji, please follow this link.

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